Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Things That Make Me Happy #9


And I mean the fragrant ones. Not your typical florist offerings. I mean, the ones someone has nurtured in their own garden. And I think mine are some of the best. About 3 years ago, I decided to get some roses. Fresh flowers do wonders for one's mood, but it seemed ridiculous to constantly be buying flowers at the local grocery store. And they don't even really smell! Well, buying rose bushes was one of the best decisions of my life.

Right now, I have 3 Double Delight roses (yes, roses are named) in a vase (well, an old glass that got chipped that I love and couldn't part with) on my coffee table now. They are pink and creamy and smell...delightful! Yes, they will die. But my rose bush will give me new ones soon. My other 9 roses are doing well too. My favorite, Sheer Bliss, is a light pink rose, and the fragrance is unimaginably divine. She has three buds on her, which will probably bloom in the next few days. Sheer Bliss was my mother's favorite rose. I have my mother and grandmother to thank for imparting to me a love of roses. Roses also make my husband happy, and that makes me happy.

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