Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Pronunciation of the Elderly

I visited my grandparents last weekend. Several times, my 84-year-old grandfather mentioned my "blodges," referring to these lovely posts of mine. In the conversation, I used the word "blogs," but he didn't catch on. He also refers to the inventor of the chicken sandwich as "Chick-a-fil." I love it. I hope when I'm an old lady, my mispronunciations give my grandchildren this much joy and amusement.

In light of these fun moments that are the true stuff of life, I hereby declare that my only real New Year's resolution will be to post on this blog once a week. Life's too funny not to record such tidbits.


Anonymous said...

I never knew my grandpa, but my Granny shares his Elderly Pronunciations: Efmaflunk (elephant)Horse Dovies (Hors d'ourves....sp?), to name just a couple. I like to think that's where some of my silliness came from.....

Sunshine said...

I love your Granny! I loved her reaction to the tub faucet cover at your baby shower. "We didn't have those things when I had kids. I bathed mine in the lavatory!"