Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Doggie Fragrance

No, it's not what you think. I haven't begun dousing my dog with cologne, though a few months ago, I did see some fragrance made for dogs in Dillard's. Or maybe it was Foley's. At any rate, I'm not one of those dog owners.

This morning I walked by my miniature dachshund as he was sunning himself. He sits on the sofa every morning because the sun streams in through the back door. I bent down to kiss him on his head. He smelled like Rice Krispies! We haven't had Rice Krispies in that house ever, and I can't remember the last time I even ate Rice Krispies or Rice Krispie treats. (Hmmm...that sounds good....) Maybe there's some kind of chemical reaction when sunlight hits dog fur that causes such a warm, yummy smell.

As for the doggie cologne, though...last week, the little weiner cuddled up with my husband right after my husband put on cologne. A few minutes after that, I bent down to snuggle with the dog. Imagine my bewilderment when I smelled the cologne that my husband wore when we fell in love on our pet. Talk about twisted....


Julie Kibler said...

Our dog Libby, who lives with Heather now, has toenails that smell like Fritos, according to Heather. She is half mini dachsund, half chihuahua. Maybe a breed that is nicknamed after a food must develop a food smell. I personally think she smells a little like dirty feet most of the time. ;)

Anonymous said...

Gosh, your dogs smell good! I'm jealous! My favorite is: she's just come from the groomers and is warming my pillow before bed. Once she is threatened by the looming and slowly descending cranium, she hops off, leaving a delicious smell of cleanliness!