Thursday, July 16, 2009

She's BA-ACK!

So. Quite a few things have changed since I last posted. I returned to teaching American Sign Language to goofy high schoolers, my husband started a screenprinting business, and I had a baby. Baby girl is now 8 months old. Where does the time go? (By the way, her aunt gave her the Easter bonnet -- or tea cozy, as my husband called it. I wouldn't have ever picked it up, but it is awfully cute, isn't it?)

Given these changes in my life, I've had a bit of an identity crisis, I think. As part of my processing of all this, I've decided I need to begin blogging again. As my husband said, I am more complete when I'm writing regularly. Very true. So I am going to aim to post weekly. My therapist (God bless her) would be proud. And thanks to my old blogging/writing buddies, for getting me into blogging in the first place. I'm trying to get back in the game, ladies. :)

Here's my thought for this first post since my blogging hiatus: Facebook rocks. Just signed up about a week ago. Reminds me of how far I've come since I was the painfully shy girl in high school.
Wish me luck at my weekly blogging goal!


Gail (but you can call me G) said...

Yay, your back!!! I have not blogged since the fall. I have had so much to write about during Andy's senior year, but for some reason I could not bring myself to do it. Partly a time issue, but somehow it felt like it would be painful to write because I have been so aware that our time with him is fleeting . . . I don't know. Seems like writing the memories would be a good idea, but I never did. Maybe I will someday soon. You've inspired me. In fact, I was mulling some things today about writing, or my lack thereof, and thinking about blogs and books and some other subjects. One thing that I thought of, in pondering the age-old "who am I really" question, was this. I am a Midge in a Barbie World. Okay . . . so I chewed on that for a bit. And it stuck with me. So now I'm wondering. New blog . . . essay . . . book? Dunno, but it's a start.

Love that pic of Jill and I'm so glad you are blogging again! Love you!

Sunshine said...

I know what you mean about writing about things that are a bit painful. I've done the same. But go for it. I think you'll be glad you did.

The word verification is "ables." Appropriate, no? As in, we are ABLE, my friend, to do whatever we are called to do!!! ;)

Julie said...

So happy to see you here and in other places again. Looking forward to seeing what's on your mind.

I started a different blog recently. You can get to it from my name here.

That baby ... !! :)