Friday, September 02, 2005

Note to Self

Make doctor appointments for the Friday before Labor Day. Most people have already begun their long weekends, and no one wants to sit in a doctor's office waiting room the Friday before a holiday. Therefore, the wait is not long!

In other news, my husband's health insurance is changing a bit and wants our glucose and cholersterol levels. This requires blood samples. Three needle sticks and two nurses later, my veins cooperated. Thank God it's over. I'm now sporting two cotton balls, one on my hand, one on my arm, which, as I found out running an errand after the doctor visit, make good conversation starters. They also make a perfect excuse not to cook dinner tonight and eat out. What a way to start the holiday weekend!

1 comment:

Julie Kibler said...

Hey, I'm a member of the team now! ;) Enjoying your postings. I have a really low "cutesy quotient" myself. Hope you had a fun night out, in spite or because of your cotton ball accessories, and have a great weekend!