Monday, July 31, 2006

Live (as in "alive") Lawnmowers

First of all, I have to apologize to myself for not taking the time to write for me. I've wanted to be a writer since I was 7, and I've neglected this blog horribly. But sometimes you're just not "in the zone." However, that's all the more reason to write. I did order a book of writing exercises recently, and have completed 9 of them. So that's something. Through those exercises, I'm learning that perhaps I ought to focus on children's books. (Eegads, not that anyone else in the world wants to do that, eh?)

Nothing too spectacular to share today, except just a quick story of a hilarious vignette I saw on my street the other day.

As I was driving by a neighbor's house the other day, I was nearly accosted by a lawnmower, moving independently into the street, with no apparent aid from human hands. I glanced up from the menacing machine to see my blonde (I'm a blonde, too, but this woman is blonde) neighbor running toward the lawnmower as it came toward my car (intent on chopping me to bits, I'm sure), one hand outreached for the runaway, and the other hand...on her cell phone that she was still speaking on. People who cannot effectively drive while talking on their cell phones is one thing. People who try to talk and mow...folks, just don't try it. I think that task is best left to stunt professionals.


Gail (but you can call me G) said...

Very funny! Children's books? That's interesting. That isn't a direction you were thinking is it? I need to buy that workbook you have and do those exercises myself. Maybe that will help me figure out what I want to write. What's the name of it?

Julie Kibler said...

Reminds me of the time this little (like 6 years old maybe) kid jump out of VW bug convertible in front of my house in Denver to try to stop it because it was rolling. I ran out the front door and grabbed him right before he got sandwiched between his car and ours. It wasn't going fast enough to really hurt him most likely, but it scared me half to death...and his mom when she finally noticed and ran out of some other house screaming at him.
"Um, lady, excuse me, but don't leave your 6-year-old unattended near an emergency brake..."

Julie Kibler said...

jumped. jumped.

out of A.

Heat stroke, obviously.

Sunshine said...

I've always wanted to write children's books. I began writing little stories when I was around 7. I started a kids' book last October, but I got stuck on the plot.

Title of the writing book is The Write-Brain Workbook. Author is Bonnie Neubauer.

Hey--guess what...I'm doing this on my new laptop! Yea!