Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Cough and Sniff

I have been sick for over a week. It began with a sore throat last Tuesday night. Usually, I can knock out a cold or sinus problems with OTC medications. Not this time. Nope. I had to go the doctor and get some real drugs. Thank God for antibiotics.

One recent evening when I was in the shower, trying to get the steam to open up my nasal passages, I composed this poem.

A Hay Fever Haiku
feverish eyes
multiple mucus invasions
please, God

Thanks to the antibiotics and codeine-laced decongestant syrup my primary care physician prescribed, as well as to the heavenly Healer, I am beginning to feel as if I may one day resume my normal activities. Perhaps I'll even post on the blog again sooner than usual.


Sunshine said...

By the way, the doctor's diagnosis was not hay fever. The medical paperwork stated I have bronchitis and an upper respiratory infection.

Gail (but you can call me G) said...

Ha! I knew I shoulda gone into medicine. That was my diagnosis as well. Only because I had it before Christmas with identical symptoms, except I didn't run much fever. Loved your haiku, by the way. Those are fun to write, but I haven't done one in years.

Hey, the word verification on this is ultmexdx. Ultimate Mexican dish/diagnosis/ducks/docs? Sorry . . .